May 9, 2019 – AMA regrets the departure of the 52 migrants housed in the Kindergarten Republic of Asnières
52 migrants in great precariousness, housed in the Emergency Accommodation Center (CHU) of the Republic school since the beginning of March 2019 had to leave Asnières on May 24. AMA, which has mobilized on a humanitarian level since the arrival of the migrants, regrets this decision which seems premature to it, against to their proper integration in France, in particular for the 7 pregnant women due to give birth in the coming weeks. 12 associations including AMA, signatories of a letter sent on May 9 to the Town Hall, claimed their worried about the possible departure of migrants, without having received an answer.
Kindergarten Republic Emergency Accommodation Center (CHU)
Since the beginning of March, the République d'Asnières kindergarten, a disused school, had been requisitioned by the prefecture of 92 to accommodate migrants, sent by the SIAO (Integrated Reception and Orientation Services) of 93, the management of the accommodation being entrusted to the Association Hôtel Social 93.
The decision to send the 52 migrants from the Kindergarten Republic was taken by the prefecture 92 in agreement with the town hall of Asnières. The Hôtel Social 93 Association, in charge of the management of the CHU, had to hastily organize the rehousing of the 52 people accommodated and gave its recommendations to the Integrated Reception and Orientation Service 93 (SIAO SAMU social).
A decision that deprives some migrants of first aid and social monitoring
The reasons for this hasty departure have not been communicated. Initially the contract could allow the CHU to operate at least until June 30 on the principle of a renewal each month.
A surprising decision...
Several reasons militated in favor of maintaining these 52 migrants in great precariousness until this date, i.e. simply an additional month, as had been envisaged:
- All CHUs are intended to ensure the stay of homeless people as long as a lasting solution has not been offered to a person or family. In this case, that mission was not completed.
- Arrived on March 10, they would have benefited from a stability of 3 months, which, in the opinion of the social workers, allows a better efficiency of the integration procedures.
- 7 pregnant women are due to give birth before the end of June.
- Two children were in Asnières school. It would have been logical for them to finish their school year normally.
- The République kindergarten, although equipped in a rather rudimentary manner, had been refurbished by the services of the town of Asnières, which made it a place much more suited to the needs of these migrants than the hotels subsequently rented by the State.
… and yet a surge of solidarity from many Asnièrois
These 52 migrants did not cause any harm to the inhabitants of Asnières. Quite the contrary: the many donations of all kinds received by the migrants were moving testimony to the generosity of the people of Asniérois towards these people deprived of everything.
AMA coordinator
The role of AMA Accueil-Migrants-Asnières was to:
- Coordinate this aid, in close consultation with the Association Hôtel Social 93. The work was done in a real agreement on the means to be implemented and the spirit of this aid. The work carried out in the field by the two people commissioned by the Association Hôtel Social 93 was remarkable.
- Alert the town by several letters. We alert on the absence of lunches (generally the prefectures only finance breakfasts and dinners). Two letters were sent by AMA, one to Mrs. Caroline Carmantrand, Family and Early Childhood Assistant, the other to Mr. Manuel Aeschlimann, Mayor of Asnières. Neither was followed by a response.
- Ask Mr. Manuel Aeschlimann, Mayor of Asnières, for the extension of the CHU until June 30, a request formulated by a letter co-signed by 11 other associations from Asnières, who have joined AMA. This letter also received no response.