
The charity Accueil Migrants Asnières needs your donations !

At AMA, donations are almost all used for housing, social action and the accompaniment of migrants. There are very few functioning costs.

AMA is an “aid body for people with difficulties”, and, as such, allows eligibility for a bigger tax cut. Your tax cut equals 75% of the money donated, limited to 1,000€ (article 200 of the General Tax Code).

Thus, a donation of 100€ only costs you 25€.

For the proportion of the donations included between 1,000€ and 20% of your taxable income, the cut is of 66%. In this case, a donation of 100€ only costs you 34€. 

The charity can give you a tax receipt that will automatically be sent to you.

To help us, two possibilities:

I donate online

: Two ways are offered by our partner Hello Asso. You can choose between a frequent monthly donation and a one-off donation to support us.

Je donne par chèque

Send your paycheck payable to AMA -Accueil Migrants Asnières to the address of its Treasurer: Association AMA chez Charles CAILLIAU 7 rue Louis Vuitton 92600 Ansières sur Seine or to the headquarters: AMA 83 Rue du Bac 92600 Asnières sur Seine.

Support AMA and the action Cent pour UN (A Hundred for One)

Thanks to the mobilisation of the first donors, the charity AMA allowed three families to rent a flat in Asnières or nearby. To allow other migrant families to have a roof and have hope again, AMA launches the project Cent pour UN Asnières again on which you can also get involved.

With you our energy increases a hundredfold and to carry on, we still need you…

The project 

The charity AMA – Accueil Migrants Asnières – aims at housing migrants in precarious conditions, whether being there for political, economic or climatic reasons. Cent pour UN hébergement (A Hundred for One accommodation) is a hundred donors gathered to finance housing for a family. Thanks to the involvement of the active members and partner organisations, this housing extends to a personalised accompaniment and aims for the integration of the people welcomed.

The principle 

A hundred of you give 10€ a month during at least a year, or 120€ just once, and ensure the housing and the welcoming of a family during this period. The project Cent pour UN Asnières of the charity AMA is inspired by experiments in France which are successfully carried out based on the principle of a hundred for one.

Do not forget to get your AMA membership or renew it.