About us

About us

AMA is a non-profit organisation under the 1901 law. The social aim of the charity is to help migrants and facilitate their integration. The purpose of AMA is developed in its charity project. It is essentially linked to the principle of humaneness, and is declined in three fields:
  • Housing. It is the field in which an immediate need expresses itself. AMA looks for accommodation to rent that can welcome migrants.
  • Accompaniment. It is done all the way so that the administrative and economic situation gets stable. Its objective is to face the unavoidable obstacles faced.
  • Integration. The final aim is to allow migrants to find their place in the French society. To achieve that, we organise events or meetings to enable migrants to exchange 
AMA is a secular organisation. 
AMA thinks that society as a whole must be made aware of the cause of migrants. Towards this, it prefers hospitality to hostility, and leads actions to raise awareness around this topic. 


AMA is a non-profit organisation under the 1901 law led by volunteers. 

Every month, a board meeting gathers around twelve people

There are several means to support the charity:

  • buying membership is a way to express one’s commitment to the cause defended by AMA. It allows the charity to rely on this financial pool and contributes to the recognition of its action. The more we will be, the more we will be able to be heard. The membership only costs 10€. A support membership is possible.
  • donorsoccasional or steady allow the charity to lead its project. There is no small donation, everyone does according to their possibilities..
  • volunteers and/or supporters. L’association s’appuie sur un réseau d’adhérents, donateurs, bénévoles et sympathisants de  plus de 200 personnes. 


AMA thinks that we must also act in concertation with other charities, punctually or in the long term.

To accompany our migrant friends, AMA relies on local charities that contribute to mastering the French language, for example. 

  • Depuis son origine, AMA a progressivement noué des partenariats pour remplir sa mission avec efficacité :

FREO France, un atout de taille pour rassurer et emporter l’adhésion des bailleurs.

Une convention a été signée en 2020 entre AMA et FREO France, spécialisé dans l’investissement et le développement immobilier, notamment en Europe. Le partenariat est basé sur deux axes :

– création et/ou contribution à des événements avec les migrants, en vue de faciliter leur intégration, avec une participation de volontaires des équipes de FREO, et un soutien financier pour ces actions,

– soutien financier prenant la forme d’un engagement juridique de caution pour les logements loués par des propriétaires aux familles soutenues par l’Association.

Le soutien de FREO est précieux pour AMA. En se portant caution pour le paiement du loyer des nouvelles familles, FREO rassure les propriétaires et lève un des freins à la location d’un logement par une famille dont les revenus sont nécessairement modestes.

Oeuvre d’Orient et France Terre d’Asile, pour sourcer les familles à accompagner

AMA a noué dès l’origine un partenariat avec l’association Oeuvre d’Orient. Celle-ci nous adresse des familles à accompagner lorsqu’AMA dispose d’un logement. L’Oeuvre d’Orient pourrait également présenter à AMA des propriétaires désireux de louer un logement à des personnes en difficulté.

Ce partenariat est toujours actif et bénéfique pour notre projet associatif.

Un autre partenariat de même ordre a été conclu fin 2020 avec l’antenne d’Asnières de l’association France Terre d’Asile.

Lucie Lucas, une marraine engagée

Depuis l’origine d’AMA, Lucie Lucas, comédienne et ancienne asniéroise, est fortement engagée auprès de notre association, que ce soit au travers de la mise à disposition de logement, d’un soutien financier ou encore de son engagement public en faveur d’AMA

 Our story

AMA was born from the conjunction of two wills:

  • that of parishioners of Asnières willing to answer the call of pope Francis, in autumn 2015, asking each community to welcome migrants from Syria; this call having been passed on by the bishop of Nanterre, Michel Aupetit.
  • that of several people willing to answer the proposition of the Refugee Help Committee (Comité d’Aide aux Réfugiés, CAAR) to take the goods remaining after its liquidation. This charity in Bois-Colombes had been created, in similar conditions, to welcome victims of the Boat People tragedy. It was placed in judiciary liquidation because of serious difficulties. The CAAR wanted to give its goods to a charity with a spirit and a project compatible with its own.

During the year 2016, discussions and meetings allowed all to specify their common purpose: welcome and help migrants that find themselves in difficulties and facilitate their integration in France, through actions aiming at:

  • answer their immediate needs, especially regarding housing,
  • accompany them in their project of integration to the French society,
  • propose them an experience of fraternity and moments of conviviality.

Already before the administrative creation of AMA in the beginning of the year 2017, it has been possible to house a Syrian couple and to accompany them concretely in their social and professional insertion project in France. In July 2017, AMA found a new housing solution for two Iraqi brothers, and in 2018, another Syrian family was welcomed, a landlord having trusted us by leasing us a flat. 

The members of AMA are currently looking for material and financial means to spread their action to other migrants.


Membres du Conseil d’Administration au 15 avril 2022:

Jean-Hugues DUBAN, président

Charles CAILLAU,  trésorier

Odile NOUVEL, secrétaire



Dominique DE GUIBERT


Catherine LUCAS

Marie-Claude POTIER