

14 novembre 2024 – AMA organise une projection débat du film documentaire « Le Chant des vivants »

19 octobre 2022 – AMA organise une conférence-débat « Migrer, toute une histoire »

La question des migrants est au cœur de l’actualité. Les personnes migrantes, arrivées sur notre territoire, portent la trace d’événements douloureux, qui leur semblent parfois difficilement surmontables. Et pourtant, elles vont devoir, souvent sans repères, mettre toute leur énergie pour se reconstruire, s’intégrer et contribuer au bien vivre ensemble. Elles y arrivent, le plus souvent avec l’aide du monde associatif. L’éclairage du Centre Primo Lévi, association de référence spécifiquement dédiée au soin et au soutien des personnes victimes de la torture et de la violence politique exilées en France, va nous aider à mieux comprendre le parcours des migrants et les clés pour une intégration réussie. 

Dans un souci de bonne organisation, merci de confirmer votre présence / tel. 06 63 41 66 20



Mars 2022 – Aide aux ukrainiens

La guerre en Ukraine nous rappelle cruellement à quel point un homme, une femme, une famille
peut se retrouver du jour au lendemain sur les routes pour fuir l’innommable. L’élan de
solidarité, sans précédent, que nous constatons apporte un peu de baume au coeur dans cette
période tourmentée.

AMA s’inscrit bien sûr dans ce mouvement et tente d’apporter sa pierre à l’élan de solidarité
envers le peuple ukrainien, tout en poursuivant sa tâche auprès de tous ceux qui sont réfugiés,
quelle que soient leur provenance géographique.

Seule association dont l’objet social est spécifiquement l’accueil et l’accompagnement des
migrants à Asnières, AMA s’est mobilisée depuis mars 2022 avec le Groupe Ukraine Asnières,
qui réunit notre association, le Centre Paroissial Asnières Centre, la mairie d’Asnières, l’Etape,
le Secours Catholique, la Conférence Saint-Vincent de Paul. Une famille ukrainienne a été logée
entre mars et septembre 2022 dans les locaux de la paroisse à Saint Daniel puis dans un appartement gérée par AMA. AMA a pris en charge l’accompagnement de la famille afin de les aider à vivre au mieux ces moments tellement difficiles.
AMA a centralisé également une collecte pour faire face aux besoins urgents des migrants ukrainiens de notre ville et des environs. 

February 1, 2021 – A new family accommodated 

The search for accommodation for a migrant family constitutes the most difficult part of our mission. At the start of 2021, it is with great joy that we have completed a beautiful project with a new family that AMA will support  

The emotion was great for this family when the mother understood that the project was going to succeed and that she could project herself into a new life where AMA will of course commit to help her and her daughters to integrate in the French society

In France since 4 years, the mother obtained refugee status. They live in Asnières in a CADA (Reception Center for Asylum Seekers), where all three share the same room.

The support of our new partner, FREO, has been invaluable to us. By agreeing to stand surety for the payment of the rent, FREO has made it possible to remove one of the obstacles to the rental of accommodation by a family whose income is necessarily modest.

An emergency need : furnish the apartment
Their move to the Villeneuve La Garenne apartment is planned before mid-February. As the apartment is not furnished, we are urgently appealing for your help and generosity. Do not hesitate to talk about it around you!

You can also help us by making a donation that will allow us to buy the necessary for their move. Such a donation is deductible for income tax.

Lucie Lucas sponsor of AMA 

During this period of wishes, Lucie Lucas, model and actress recognized, in particular for the main role she has occupied since 2010 in the television series Clem, publicly announces her support for our association.

Committed to AMA from day one, she played a key role in its creation by allowing it to welcome a first family of migrants.

Sponsor of AMA, also a member of its board of directors since the end of 2019, she tells us about the reasons for her support for the cause of migrants and her attachment to AMA. A support that she decided to make public by broadcasting an interview on the subject to her great community of “followers” ​​on Instagram and Facebook.


A GodMother to support AMA 

On the occasion of International Migrants Day on December 18, 2019, a French personality sensitive to our cause becomes the godmother of the AMA association and member of the board of directors.

You will soon find a video of this personality on our site.

International Migrants Day is an opportunity to dispel prejudices and raise awareness of their contributions in the economic, cultural and social fields, to the benefit of both their country of origin and their country of destination. It was proclaimed by the UN in 2000. It commemorates the adoption of the family. Know more

November 26, 2018 – AMA organizes the conference Europe and the challenge of migration  ​

Full house at center 72 for the conference organized and hosted by AMA on the theme of Europe facing the migratory challenge
At Center 72 in Bois Colombes, AMA organized a conference on Monday 26 November which brought together 120 people, students, active and retired people on the theme of Europe in the face of the migratory challenge. 
A constructive and lively debate to advance ideas against approximations, overbidding of all kinds, fantasies and fears, a debate to combat the crisis of confidence and the crisis of solidarity that are shaking Europe. 
Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement France and Claire Rodier, Director of the GISTI (Information and Support Group for Immigrants) intervened to talk about the issues and draw up solutions likely to meet the existing challenges. How can we better manage rising and increasingly diversified migratory flows, better distribute reception between the different countries, find solutions to meet the requirements of integration? An identity challenge for a Europe in demographic decline that requires a lot of pedagogy.


May 9, 2019 – AMA regrets the departure of the 52 migrants housed in the Kindergarten Republic of Asnières


52 migrants in great precariousness, housed in the Emergency Accommodation Center (CHU) of the Republic school since the beginning of March 2019 had to leave Asnières on May 24. AMA, which has mobilized on a humanitarian level since the arrival of the migrants, regrets this decision which seems premature to it, against to their proper integration in France, in particular for the 7 pregnant women due to give birth in the coming weeks. 12 associations including AMA, signatories of a letter sent on May 9 to the Town Hall, claimed their worried about the possible departure of migrants, without having received an answer.

Kindergarten Republic Emergency Accommodation Center (CHU)

Since the beginning of March, the République d'Asnières kindergarten, a disused school, had been requisitioned by the prefecture of 92 to accommodate migrants, sent by the SIAO (Integrated Reception and Orientation Services) of 93, the management of the accommodation being entrusted to the Association Hôtel Social 93.

The decision to send the 52 migrants from the Kindergarten Republic was taken by the prefecture 92 in agreement with the town hall of Asnières. The Hôtel Social 93 Association, in charge of the management of the CHU, had to hastily organize the rehousing of the 52 people accommodated and gave its recommendations to the Integrated Reception and Orientation Service 93 (SIAO SAMU social).

lire la suite

November 27, 2018 – Migrants and Refugees, a book by Claire Rodier

The arrival of large numbers of refugees and migrants in Europe, after an exhausting journey, the many deaths in the Mediterranean, including the highly publicized death of little Aylan Kurdi in September 2015, have often moved and “jostling” the European population. However, after the first surges of compassion and solidarity, concerns and reluctance are expressed, and many questions emerge: what is the difference between refugees and migrants? How many are they in proportion to the European population? Why this sudden influx and will it stop? Won't it encourage terrorism? Do France and Europe have the capacity to accommodate this influx of migrants, given the economic crisis? Are the walls useful? Should the Schengen area be abolished? What is a hotspot? How much does border surveillance cost? Wouldn't it be better to help them stay at home? It is to respond without taboo to these legitimate questions, and many others, that this little book was designed. Presented in the form of questions and answers, it helps to understand what is at stake for our societies, our vision of the world and our political choices in the face of the destiny of migrants.

Order the book here

Discover an extract 


14 novembre 2024 – AMA organise une projection débat du film documentaire « Le Chant des vivants »

19 octobre 2022 – AMA organise une conférence débat « Migrer, toute une histoire »

December 18, 2019 – International Migrants Day 

On the occasion of International Migrants Day, a French personality sensitive to our cause announces his support for AMA as godmother of the association and member of the board of directors.

You will soon find a video of this personality on our site.

International Migrants Day is an opportunity to dispel prejudices and raise awareness of their contributions in the economic, cultural and social fields, to the benefit of both their country of origin and their country of destination. It was proclaimed by the UN in 2000. It commemorates the adoption of the family. Know more

December 13 to 15, 2019 – Solidarity Christmas market 

AMA, a member of the Boucle Nord 92 Solidarity Collective, was present on Christmas market Solidaire Friday December 13, Saturday December 14 and Sunday December 15.

On this occasion, a selection of books as well as puzzles were made available. 

September 29, 2019 – World Day of Migrants and Refugees…

The World Day of Migrants and Refugees is an initiative of the Catholic Church 

On this occasion, volunteers organized awareness-raising on the issue of migrants during weekend offices and carried out fundraising which raised €890.

September 27, 2019 – Meeting of our migrant friends / AMA board of director

The objective of this meeting was to organize a friendly exchange time, complementary to the more personalized support of volunteers. 

On this occasion, our friends made us discover their culinary talent.

September 7, 2019 – Asnières Associations Forum, AMA is here

AMA is present at the Forum des associations, on the Ville Univers stand, which generously offers it hospitality. An opportunity to present our action and meet the people of Asniérois. 

May 9, 2019 – 52 migrants at the School of the Republic. AMA requests the extension of the reception…

AMA alerts the solidarity associations of Asnières and coordinates the local associations to request the extension of their reception and social support. A letter is sent to the mayor.

April 2019 – 52 migrant women and children placed at the Ecole de la République. AMA is mobilizing.

Informed of the situation of a group of refugee women and children in the disused school of the Republic, Asnières is mobilizing to support them and improve their material reception conditions.

April 6, 2019 – Welcoming a 3rd family of Syrian migrantsème famille de migrants syriens

An accommodation solution is found with a private individual in Asnières sur Seine. AMA gets in touch with the work of the Orient to choose the family that will finally be able to benefit from housing and that AMA will support in its process of integration into French society.

November 26, 2018 – Conference debate on the theme of Europe facing the migratory challenge

125 people were present at the invitation of AMA to hear the interventions of Claire Rodier and Yves Bertoncini….

The Meeting was held at Center 72 which provided a room to hold this meeting.

To go further Migrants et Réfugiés. Réponses  aux indécis, aux inquiets et aux réticents de Claire Rodier.

September 9, 2018 – Launch of Operation Cent pour UN, a project to develop accommodation for migrants.

One hundred of you give €10 per month for at least one year, or €120 all at once, and provide accommodation and support for a family over this period. The Cent pour UN Asnières project of the AMA association is inspired by experiences on French territory that operate successfully on the principle of Cent pour un (hundred for one).

December 10, 2018 – AMA Annual General Meeting 

About fifty members, donors and supporters met to take stock of AMA's activity after a first year of activity. 

February 10, 2018 – 1st assessment of AMA, one year after its creation

One year after its creation, AMA presents its results at a public meeting. The two families of migrants that AMA accompanies testify during the meeting.

April 24, 2017 – AMA kick-off meeting

AMA organizes a public meeting to present the association, its project, its objectives and its philosophy. For several months, a group of about ten people has been meeting regularly to launch an association aimed at helping migrants and facilitating their integration in France